How Do I Assign Licenses To Students?

We want to make managing licenses for your students as simple and clear as possible. Here’s everything you need to know about assigning licenses on

  1. Automatic License Assignment: Good news! You don’t have to manually assign licenses (aka seats). When students log in for the first time after you purchase licenses, they’re automatically added to their accounts on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • Example Scenario: If you have 40 students but only 30 licenses, the first 30 students who log in will get a license. The remaining students will have free accounts with ads, but they can still complete lessons and assignments.
  2. Freeing Up Licenses: If you need to reassign licenses, you can remove all licenses from student accounts at once by:
    • Going to "Billing."
    • Clicking on "Free up seats."

      This will reset the license count to "0." When students log in again, they’ll pick up an available license. You can perform this action as many times as needed.

  3. Student Progress: Don’t worry! Freeing up seats will not reset the progress of students who continue using

Pro-Tips: Licenses are only for students; teachers do not need licenses.

We hope this makes managing licenses a breeze. If you have any questions, our support team is always here to help. Happy teaching!

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