Reports on Student Progress (Teacher) has different types of reports that focus on particular sections of the program. They are easy to understand and use, with settings you can modify to answer what you want to know. They give you anything from a general idea of progress across the semester and up to specific details on performance on a given date. 

Below, you'll find where to obtain this information and a brief explanation of the different reports available for you to run from your "Reports" page

Pro-Tip: The reports do not count any unfinished or failed attempts on the part of the students.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Log in to your teacher’s portal HERE.

Step 2: Click on “Reports” 

Step 3: Select one of the reports you wish to view.

Step 4: Once you’ve selected the report you want, you can apply filters, select the units & lessons, and/or enter a date range, then click “Run Report.”

Pro-Tip 2: You can export your reports by clicking the export button. 

You can run the following reports:

  • Current Lesson Progress - shows progress up to the current date. Filter by class and lessons/units.
  • Improvement Over Time - Displays average progress improvement over time. Filters include class, lessons/units, and date.
  • Student Activity Summary - shares results on student activity for a specific time frame. Filters include class and date.
  • Games Summary -  informs on game activity, including games played, level of difficulty, and time spent; can be filtered by class, units and lessons, and date.
  • Lesson Activity Details - a more detailed view of student progress. Filter by class, lessons/units, and date.
  • Tests Summary - shows students’ typing test details. Filter by test (custom tests included), lessons/units, and date. Tells you the date taken, average speed, accuracy, and errors.  
  • Written Prompt Responses - Exports written prompt student responses as they were written and formatted.
  • Class Scoreboard - Shows weekly keyboarding activity per classroom; it provides students’ time spent typing, average WPM, and average accuracy. Resets Sunday evening.

Please note that, unless you are a Premium user, there is a 70-day cap on how far back you can go to get information goes.

That’s it! Now you know how to run reports.

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