Can I Report an Offensive Ad?

Our ads are placed on the site by Google AdSense and are pulled mainly from their "Educational" group. There is a small percentage of ads placed on the site based on browsing history and location. Everyone sees different ads. They are filtered to exclude inappropriate content; however, we don't get to preview the ads because hundreds of thousands of them appear daily. 

If you see an offensive ad or an ad that interrupts work (such as a large pop up), we can block it and will happily do so. All you need to do is click on the ad to navigate to the page it directs to in order to obtain the URL (you may also right-click on the advertisement to copy the link address without navigating to the page). Please copy the entire web address and email it to Also, if possible, include a photo of the ad as you see it on-screen (you can capture a screenshot or take a picture with your phone). This is the only way to guarantee we can block it. 

Ads can be a nuisance but they are also what allows us to offer a free version of the program. (The upgrade to Premium offers an ad-free experience, the licenses are transferable, teachers can join an online community of Premium users, among other benefits. You can learn how to get a quote here.) Nevertheless, there are not supposed to be any off-color ads or advertisements blocking the working pages in the website (or any of our websites) and we appreciate it when you take the time to report them.

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